Apple . Apple showcasing their golden product in black and white.
AT&T . AT&T’s Facebook fanpage thanking their 2 million customers who like their service.
BMW || The official Facebook fanpage of BMW
Coca-Cola || Coca-Cola potraying a collection of stories of people showing how they have helped it become what it is today.
Dove || Dove’s latest timeline cover photo featuring fresh-faced models. No make-up required.
Facebook || The official timeline cover of the social networking maestro, Facebook. The world is connected.
Fanta || Cool, hip and fresh. Fanta-stic cover.
Google || The most popular search engine.
Nokia || An eye-popping shot embedded as the timeline cover photo of Nokia’s official Facebook fanpage.
Pepsi || Pepsi sharing the joyful moments of their customers through their official Facebook fanpage.
Pixar || Disney Pixar shows their greatest hits on their cover.
RedBull || An energetic timeline cover of the vitalising energy drink, RedBull. It gives you wings!
Samsung Mobile || Samsung Mobile promoting their latest product release through their fanpage.
Windows || The official Facebook page of Windows, through which they share their latest updates, news and promotions.
Dharmendra Bagrecha